Wednesday, October 26, 2011

egg nog pound cake

I made a delicious baked good today in light of the holiday season.

It's Egg Nog Pound Cake! I feel like it should have been pumpkin considering we haven't even been through Thanksgiving yet, but man I am so glad Silk Egg Nog is out!! This was delicious!
So I got the recipe here. But I altered it to be vegan. Here ya go!

Egg Nog Pound Cake
- One box of pound cake mix that is vegan (I found mine at Walmart)
- 1 tsp creamy peanut butter sitting in a 1/4 cup measuring cup + vanilla almond milk to top off the 1/4 cup. 
- 1 1/4 cup silk egg nog
- 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg + more for dusting the top before baking
- 1/2 tsp vanilla

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Whisk together your peanut butter/vanilla almond milk mixture in a small bowl.
3. Add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl, including your peanut butter mixture. Mix on lowest setting on your handheld mixer until blended, then up the speed to medium and mix for 1.5 minutes.
4. Pour into greased loaf pan, top with a generous sprinkle of nutmeg, and bake for 60 minutes, or a bit more. You want your toothpick to come out clean from the center of the cake. My loaf pan is from IKEA and doesn't have a measurement on it, but my guess is that it's around 9x3.
Happy Baking!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

steak-y baked tofu

Remember how I said we would be living on the cheap a couple of posts ago?

Well, we are. I'm having a hard time not going to go buy new ingredients for new things and it's forcing me to really use what we have around. This means lots of canned stuff/pantry meals. With a side of something from the refrigerator :)

This tofu doesn't look really good in the picture because it looks burned, but it wasn't at all! It's just that the marinade was really really dark.

steak-y baked tofu
1 package firm tofu, pressed and sliced in half length-wise, then sliced into thirds horizontally. You should have 6 pieces
1 Tbsp olive or vegetable oil
1 1/2 tsp dried garlic, minced (or about 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced)
1 Tbsp worcestershire sauce
(be sure to double and triple check ingredients. Lots of brands like to throw in nasty anchovies)
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 tsp yellow mustard
1 Tbsp shoyu, tamari, or braggs liquid aminos
a generous shake of black pepper or any other spice you like (I thought about using one of my husband's McCormick's steak seasonings - barbeque, montreal steak, and smokehouse maple. I also had some Spike I debated on)

1. Put all marinade ingredients together during the last few minutes your tofu is getting pressed into a large ziplock bag.
2. Cut the tofu as directed above.
3. Place tofu pieces
into the bag with the marinade. Let sit in the fridge for anywhere around 30 minutes, but probably no less than that.
4. During the last few minutes or marination, preheat oven to 375.
5. Line a baking sheet (one that has a lip on it) with tin foil. Pour tofu pieces and the rest of the marinade onto the tin foil and bake in 10 minute increments, turning in between, until you reach desired done-ness.

Recycle your tin foil and zip lock bag, serve your tofu up with mashed potatoes and canned corn and enjoy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

total health & fitness

I'm going to be starting a diet program with a company called Total Health & Fitness. I am beyond excited about it for numerous reasons! Luckily, they work with vegans :) They help you establish a work out regimen and eating plan based on what you have available to you as far as time, equipment (if anything at all), ingredients you like or don't like, etc. They set it up for you based on your goal. And best of all, this is not just a lets-get-your-program-going-and-in-12-weeks-you're-all-finished-but-then-we'll-leave-you-afterwards-to-figure-out-maintenance-by-yourself. What they actually do is have you come in once a month after your program to make sure you're maintaining and keeping your goal. They seem to be dedicated to helping people with physical health. I already had my consultation with Dan which went great! I told him I didn't really want to be a body builder, but I wanted to be leaner and toned. It sounds like, for me, it's going to be eating right, and walking a lot. Maybe some TurboFire here and there, which if you know me, you know I love TurboFire! But it was my one and only work out and I thought I had to do it like a crazy person to see results and feel better, but that was burning me out. So I was relieved to hear there's another way without sacrificing time like I have been and money. Which reminds me, another awesome thing about them - they are pretty cost effective! If you live in the area, you should check them out!

I expect it will make for some interesting upcoming posts too ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

spicy kissed mushrooms

This was exactly what I needed. Tasty tasty fungus! :) I love mushrooms with my whole heart so I thought "what better way to enjoy them; buy every.single.type of mushroom I can get my hands on at the supermarket and make a Chinese-inspired dish with it!" I love Chinese food.

It's too bad that most people hate mushrooms. Why oh why do people hate mushrooms? They are meaty (perfect for us vegans who obviously don't eat meat), they are absorbent (for all of those delicious flavors to seep right on in there), and they are filling (we as Americans love this, right?)

Here is a bit of information I found on this website about how mushrooms are something you can benefit from:

Mushrooms are a good source of
B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates2. B vitamins also play an important role in the nervous system.
  • Pantothenic acid helps with the production of hormones and also plays an important role in the nervous system2.
  • Riboflavin helps maintain healthy red blood cells2.
  • Niacin promotes healthy skin and makes sure the digestive and nervous systems function properly2.
You should visit the website to also find out about the great minerals they also provide.

spicy kissed mushrooms
2 1/2 T safflower oil
2-4 cloves cloves garlic, pressed
3 green onions, chopped
10-12 oz button mushrooms, sliced in half (or quartered if yours are abnormally large like mine were)
2 large portabella mushrooms, sliced
15 oz can of whole peeled straw mushrooms
about 4 1/2 oz oyster mushrooms
1/2 - 1 tsp chili sauce (depends on your taste preference. I did 1/2 tsp, but probably could have done with a full tsp)
1 tbsp + 1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp brown sugar (preferably dark)
1 tsp sesame oil
chopped parsley, to garnish and refresh

1. Heat safflower oil in a large wok until it's bubbling over low heat. Hold the wok by the handle in the air, add onions and garlic. Stir for 30 seconds and place back onto the heat if they garlic and onions did not/are not burning or close to burning.
2. Add all other ingredients except for sesame oil and parsley. If you did not place the wok back onto the heat yet because the garlic and or onions were burning from the bubbling oil, mix it all together well, and place back onto the heat. Increase heat to medium high and stir occasionally for 3-4 minutes (sometimes mushrooms stick, so you might need to continually stir).
3. When done cooking, remove from heat, pour sesame oil over mushrooms and mix well. Serve over rice and garnish with parsley.

Note: This would be also be good served without rice just as a side dish for something.

kind of a bummer

The last few recipes I have made have been total flops. Don't you love that? Plus, we've been living on soup and spaghetti most of the time because we just bought a new car ;)

Do forgive the lack of recipe posts. I imagine I will be back up and running sometime soon. Unfortunately we will be living on the cheap for a while as we figure out our apartment situation too. Oh life.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

knock em' dead tacos

knock em' dead tacos
2 cans of Kidney beans
3/4 bottle favorite BBQ sauce (KC Masterpiece makes vegan flavors)
chili seasoning
1 bag favorite "shredded cheese"
"Sour cream", to serve
1 lb bag Original Fritos

In slow cooker, add beans, BBQ sauce, n' chili seasoning. Cook until it's warmed through n' the aroma fills the kitchen.

chili seasoning

1 T chili powder
1 1/2 t cumin powder
1/4 t onion powder
1/4 t garlic powder
1/4 t ground red chili pepper
1/4 t dried oregano
1/4 t paprika
1/4 t salt
1/4 t black pepper
1/4 t ground cinnamon
1/4 t chipotle chili pepper
1. Mix all ingredients. Approximately 1 heaping tablespoon per one cup of cooked food.
2. Store in airtight container in cool, dry place for up to 1 year. Spices don't go bad, just loose their flavor.

This recipe is really great for tons of different recipes; knock em' dead tacos, fajitas, burritos, bean dip, really any Mexican dish or something to mix with faux meats. Get super creative and place on top of baked potatoes, soups, pour over fries, dips, the lists goes on.