I had a baking streak of three days total. Three days of straight, full-on, baking madness!
Bless his sweet little heart, my son was always all up in my business wanting to "hulp" (help) and my kitchen is so incredibly small which made everything quite an adventure. To say the least, this was manageable. To say the very most, this was insatiably fun to experiment and play.

Oreo cuppy cakes. These are the fun kind for those who love some extra cup cake and not as much frosting, like my friend Jenn at work. She adores eating all of the cupcake first because she can't resist, then she eats what she can of the frosting. I can respect that...sounds like she appreciates the work more than the sweetness :)
Shortbread coo-kies with my buttercream frosting. Happy Valentines Day treats! Those little sprinkles are lips and hearts :)
Gingerbread cakes with a zesty frosting. I must say, these were my favorite...they left a bit of a bite at the end, it was quite nice!
Chocolate krispies. I have a few other ideas to make this dish a bit more unique.
Choco mint cuppy cakes. I got the idea for the frosting from one of my books that I wanted to try out, I think I will make the look of these my own soon enough.
Very light 'nilla cakes with fresh strawberry frosting. I used sucanat in this instead of traditional confectioner's sugar which made the texture it's very own, that's for sure. I enjoyed it myself; the cupcake in a whole was very light and fluffy, but I would say 3 out of 10 who tested for me didn't like the texture so much, but thought the flavor was fantastic! I will be making it this way and the traditional way to suite everyone's little tongue tasters :)
Chai tea cakes. Extremely delectable!
Boston Creams. For almost every recipe I put together, I made about four or five itty bitty ones for taste testing. The picture above this one are my miniatures. Don't you love those liners? I heart them!
Here you've got your s'more cakes. Cannot go wrong with these. I devoured mine. I love how I can take my frosting recipe and load it into my pastry bag, put a large tip on, and have it come out the consistency of a big delicious marshmallow. I also love that my local health food store finally started selling Dandies vegan marshmallows. I have forever loved them and hated knowing I had to purchase them online. Well, all that's changed now - thank you Good Earth! So, I loaded the center of each cupcake with some Danies and frosted away. This is for the ultimate marshmallow lover!

'Nilla peanut buttercream cuties. I made both regular and extra-tall cuppy cakes for this one. Nobody can have enough organic peanut butter in their treats ;)
I did forget to photograph two of the recipes I made. One I didn't photograph was my orange marmalades. They were, shall I say, orange-y! A lot of taste testers really liked them, but had some feedback on what I should change. I've taken it under advisement :) I only told people to eat them if they love orange, and not the type of orange that tastes like cough-syrup either. I'm talkin' freshly squeeze orange juice from, none other, but organic oranges!
The other I didn't photograph was my chocolate coconut fudgies. They're basically german chocolate, but they're not your typical german chocolate. I loved them so much. Even my husband who hates coconut absolutely loved them!
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