I feel so good. I haven't had any time for myself for months now. What did I do with my time? Well, hung out doin' stuff in my kitchen of course! I didn't do a ton, but I had myself a cooking/cleaning/dance party.
I pulled up my favorite website for music - pandora.com. I made some cookies, which I have been craving for far too long, it's shameful...really. And also strange considering I have never really loved cookies. I made some more sauce for leftover hawaiian haystack stuff, except I changed it by adding in 2 tsp maca powder (so good for you in so many different ways!). I'm kind of terrible at eating leftovers when not everything is there. I cut up some overripe bananas to put in the freezer for "ice cream" during the week. Yes, I plan on posting recipes for these things when it's not 1:00 AM. Oh! And...I cleaned my own dishes! It's a miracle.
I admit, I am the culprit of all my husband's chores - dishes.
He used to joke when we first got married that he would be the dishwasher, now I think he has swallowed those words whole. More like choked on them. Hard. *Please! Don't pity him* He's fine, that's his one task to do around the house, so he's all right. He's a good husby. I show him gratitude by making delicious baked goods and tasty dishes :)
Anyway...I just had to mention how good of a night I had all by myself doing exactly what I wanted to do while knowing my little guy was upstairs sound asleep dreaming of whatever happy little boy things might be.